Bob Inglis joins CCE board; IMF calls for carbon pricing; Mark Reynolds
pens a new op-ed
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CCL Newsletter, October 2019
Table of Contents:
November lobbying
Bob Inglis joins CCE board
IMF calls for carbon pricing
Apply for Climate Leadership Award
New op-ed from Mark Reynolds
This week on the CCL blog
Training topics
Action Team updates
Help us lobby in November
In the coming weeks, CCL volunteers have several opportunities to lobby
members of Congress in person, on the phone, or on social media.
In person: Join us in Washington, D.C., for November Lobby Day, Nov.
11-12. Registration closes on Oct. 20 , so learn more about the event
and sign up today
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On the phone: CCL volunteers will be calling Congress on Nov. 6. Get
details here
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and plan to call your representative and senators that day.
On social media: Many CCL volunteers will also tweet to their members of
Congress on Nov. 12. Get details here
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and plan to post a tweet that day.
Thanks for talking to Congress about climate change and the Energy
Innovation Act!
Bob Inglis joins CCE governing board
We're pleased to announce that climate solutions champion and former
Republican Congressman Bob Inglis has joined the governing board of
Citizens' Climate Education (CCE).
"Ever since I first met Marshall Saunders, I've been a huge fan of CCE —
of its beautiful, collaborative spirit; of its amazingly engaged
volunteers; of its infectious optimism; of its kindness. I hope that I
can help further those things as we work together to solve climate
change," said Inglis.
Inglis was already on the advisory board of Citizens' Climate Lobby, the
political action sister organization of CCE. In joining the CCE
governing board, he will now help make decisions about the policy and
direction of the organization.
Read more about Inglis' background and new role.
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The IMF supports a price on carbon
Last week, a new study from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) found
that "a global tax of $75 per ton by the year 2030 could limit the
planet's warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit)," the
Washington Post reported. The Energy Innovation Act would exceed that
price by that year.
CCL's Global Strategy Director, Joe Robertson, (pictured) has given
presentations on carbon fee and dividend to the IMF in recent years,
helping to advance the organization's awareness and support of this
policy. Learn more and share this news!
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Apply for a Climate Leadership Award
Do you know someone at CCL whose climate advocacy has gone above and
beyond? Is it you? If so, you can nominate yourself, your climate
s/hero, your chapter, or your action team for EcoAmerica's American
Climate Leadership Awards!
Preliminary submissions are being accepted through October 31, 2019, for
groups and individuals who demonstrate leadership in building public
support and political will for climate action on the local, regional,
and national levels.
Over $150,000 will be awarded to 10 winning leaders and organizations
who have demonstrated a significant impact mobilizing climate action.
The 10 finalists will each receive a cash award plus travel and
accommodations to attend the Awards Gala at the American Climate
Leadership Summit on March 25, 2020, in Washington, D.C.
This is an exciting opportunity to receive cash prizes and high-level
public recognition for your incredible work and CCL's national mission.
The process is open to a broad pool of applicants and invites local
communities, faith leaders, health groups, and youth to apply. Climate
advocates focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion are highly
encouraged to submit.
Submit a nomination
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or apply here
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to highlight climate leadership that is moving us toward the effective
and sustainable climate solutions we need!
For more information or to let us know that you've applied, please email
Princella Talley at
[email protected].
Media: New op-ed from Mark Reynolds
CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds has written a new op-ed, which CCL
volunteers can submit to their local newspapers. The theme of this piece
is the bipartisan momentum we see emerging on climate solutions. Here's
an excerpt:
Republicans and Democrats are seeking common ground on climate change
because public opinion on the issue has reached a tipping point that
cannot be ignored. A CBS News poll last month found that two-thirds of
Americans view climate change as a crisis or serious problem, and a
majority want immediate action.
To read this op-ed and get instructions for submitting it to your local
paper, head to the "Working with Media" forum on CCL Community.
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This week on the CCL blog
Kiera O'Brien joins monthly call: Kiera O'Brien, the VP of Students for
Carbon Dividends, was the guest speaker on CCL's October monthly call
this weekend. She shared her experience as a conservative
environmentalist working to spread the word about carbon dividends. Read
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Training topics
CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for
existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers.
Here are the next few sessions you can join:
10/17 Citizens' Climate University: Resources For the Future's Carbon
Pricing Calculator Training - Resources for the Future built a
calculator to evaluate current carbon pricing bills, including the
Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Attend this training to learn
about their findings. Learn more.
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10/22 Core Volunteer Training: Practicing Effective Lobbying - Join Amy
Bennett, CCL's Director of Congressional Liaisons and Lobby Days, to
learn what an actual meeting with your member of Congress looks like.
This is great prep for our upcoming November Lobby Day. Learn more.
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10/24 Citizens' Climate University: 2019 June Meeting Analysis - Join
CCL's Vice President of Government Affairs Danny Richter and Legislative
Assistant Adeline DeYoung to understand this year's June Meeting
Analysis results. Learn more.
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To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics
page of CCL Community
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Action Team updates
Featured Action Team: Led by Princella Talley, CCL's Climate and Culture
Action Team creates a supportive culture merging community engagement
and leadership development to address climate change in diverse
communities. The team's next call will be held on Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. ET /
5 p.m. PT. Veterinarian and small business owner Elaine Salinger
(pictured) will be the guest speaker and will discuss her high school
outreach work.
You can learn about, join, and get call details on the Climate and
Culture Action Team page
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Other upcoming Action Team calls…
10/16 - Strategic Planning Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT
10/16 - Team Ocean call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT - Introducing new team
co-leaders Theresa Morris and Daniela Dias.
10/17 - Presbyterian Action Team call at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT
10/21 - Health Action Team call at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT
10/21 - Progressive Action Team call at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT
10/23 - State Carbon Pricing Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT -
Hosted by Climate XChange
10/23 - Team OIL Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT
Visit the full event calendar for dial-in details and future events
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To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you,
head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
Get CCL in Your Inbox
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training,
and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
Join Info Session
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at
1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your
local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
Register for Core Volunteer Training
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Sign up for CCL Community
Connect with other CCL volunteers! Our online volunteer portal is filled
with amazing resources for education, outreach and taking action.
Community's Weekly Bulletin will keep you current on all the latest CCL
Request a CCL Community Login
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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