
The Senate is tackling some urgent priorities this month.

I want to know which issues are top of mind for you right now, which is why I’m asking you directly — will you please complete my August priorities survey? It will just take a minute (or two, tops!):


I wish I could connect with each of you individually over a cup of coffee and listen to your ideas about the direction of our country.

Since I can’t do that, this is the next-best way for me to get your direct feedback. My team and I look over these responses every month, and quite frankly, it’s one of the best parts of my job. There’s simply no replacement for the personal stories and anecdotes that many of you have shared.

Last month’s top priority for this team was taking action to right the wrongs of toxic pollution and address the climate crisis, whose impacts are disproportionately borne by Black and Brown and low-income communities — and now we are making progress in the Senate.

In recent weeks I’ve introduced the Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act, which would invest hundreds of billions of dollars into environmental restoration projects, cleaning up Superfund sites, and curbing the emissions contributing to air pollution and fueling the climate crisis.

I’ve also introduced landmark legislation to end the federal prohibition on marijuana, take corrective action to right the historical wrongs resulting from decades of failed drug policy, and reinvest in the communities most harmed by this drug war — all as we move forward with the largest investment in infrastructure in decades.

And as the Senate acts to advance the bipartisan infrastructure deal and a budget that invests in economic growth and American families, it’s more important than ever that your interests are represented in the final deal.

Please take a moment to fill out my priorities survey to let me know your top priorities.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill this out — it really does make a difference for our team.

— Cory