It’s happening TODAY!
Over 100 state legislators — from all across America — are in Washington, D.C., today to urge the Senate not to go on recess until it passes the For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1/S.1) to protect our democracy.
They’re joining the Texas lawmakers who fled to D.C. a few weeks ago to prevent Trumpist Republicans from passing bad-faith laws that would make it even harder for people of color, residents of large cities, and others to vote in the Lone Star State.
Public Citizen is a proud leader of the coalition that organized this critical day of action on Capitol Hill to save our democracy.
And you can be part of the action!
Tell Senate Democrats:
Republican legislators in state after state are *not* taking a recess from passing racist, anti-democratic voting restrictions. For the sake of our democracy, please stay in D.C. and pass the For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1/S.1) as soon as humanly possible.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For democracy,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
P.S. For half a century, Public Citizen has been advancing policies that put the needs of everyday Americans before the greed of billionaires and Big Business. That legacy of progress and that ongoing work could not matter more right now, as our nation transitions to a Joe Biden presidency that will be as progressive as we — you and Public Citizen, together — make it. We’re also busy undoing all the damage Trump did. And, like so many nonprofits and small businesses, we continue to experience financial strain related to the coronavirus pandemic. If you can, please make an emergency donation today to support the critical work we’re doing together or even join our popular Monthly Giving program. Thank you.
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