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World Resources Institute


What Are Digital Climate Services and How Can They Feed the World? 

Food insecurity is rising as climate change undermines production. New research from the Global Commission on Adaptation shows that Digital Climate-informed Advisory Services — such as mobile apps and radio — could help 300 million farmers and small-scale producers maintain or even boost production despite growing climate impacts. Climate adaptation experts Tyler Ferdinand and Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio urge increased international support for these innovative tools ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit in November. Read more.

A person uses a mobile phone in a field in Jawahar, India. Mobile apps could help smallholder farmers adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts. Photo by Jacquelyn Turner/CCAFS
Photo by TTphoto/Shutterstock

How Solar Can Help Kenya Close Its Energy Gap 

Kenya has made great strides towards ensuring all citizens have electricity thanks to their National Electrification Strategy. Still, Kenya’s hardest-to-reach places lack dependable power. Data from WRI’s Energy Access Explorer show how solar home systems can provide reliable, affordable electricity to millions of people currently living with poor access to energy. Read more.

Photo by Rumi Consultancy/World Bank

The Good, the Bad and the Urgent: MDB Climate Finance in 2020 

2020 was set to be a key year for multilateral development banks (MDB) climate finance. However, recent WRI analysis of the MDB’s annual joint report on climate finance reveals that climate finance fell during a year when it should have increased. COVID-19 response efforts prevented most MDBs from meeting their own 2020 climate finance targets. Now, MDBs must act quickly to make up for lost ground. Read more.

Photo by Yuichi Ishida/UNDP Timor Leste

Webinar: Just 3 Months Until COP26: How Are National Climate Plans Stacking Up?  

Join us on August 5 when WRI’s Taryn Fransen and David Waskow join Kelly Levin, previously one of WRI’s top climate science experts and now with the Bezos Earth Fund, to discuss national climate action ahead of November’s COP26 climate negotiations. The three experts will analyze the latest national climate plans and discuss what’s needed to meet Paris Agreement goals, leaving ample time for Q&A. Register for the event.