Working people need the PRO Act. Tell your senators it's time to take action and pass this crucial bill.

Hi John,


You've probably heard from us in recent months about just how vital the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is for working people. If passed into law, the PRO Act would put power into the hands of working people and arguably be the most meaningful labor law reform in the United States since the 1930s.


That's how important the PRO Act could be for working people. 


The bill is awaiting a vote in the Senate right now and we need your help to get the bill across the finish line. We have to let our senators know it's time to pass the PRO Act and give working people the tools they need to have power on the job, and keep wealthy corporations and unscrupulous bosses from continuing to rig the rules against workers. 


SIGN THE PETITION NOW and let YOUR senators know just how important it is for them to PASS the PRO Act!


Regardless of the industry, working people should have the freedom to organize a union and hold employers accountable for actions they take that harm working people. We need the PRO Act and what we need most of all is a fair vote in the Senate. 


Please, sign and share this petition and let your senators know that we need the PRO Act! 


Thanks for everything you do. 


In Solidarity, 



Jobs With Justice