
How much worse could our gun violence epidemic get in Pennsylvania? If Gun Owners of America have their way, we’ll find out. 

They bill themselves as “The only no-compromise gun lobby in Pennsylvania,” more radical even than the NRA. And their sights are set on rolling back every common-sense gun regulation in the Commonwealth. Right now, that means ending any requirement for someone to have a permit to carry a concealed firearm.

GOA Pennsylvania is hyping up gun owners to support terrifying bills that would remove all restrictions on owning and carrying guns, and prevent local officials from enacting laws to save the lives of their constituents. GOA led a push for “second amendment sanctuaries” in Virginiatowns and whole counties that resolve not to follow state or federal gun lawsand is now urging Pennsylvania counties and municipalities to do the same.1,2

We’re going head to head with them every day in Harrisburg. I need you to chip in today to keep our fight going.

GOA’s Pennsylvania chapter is working to block any bill that might help lessen our gun crisis. Emergency risk protection orders to reduce veteran suicide? Background checks? “Illegitimate,” according to GOA.3 They paint legislators and officials who oppose them as “tyrants”4 and are fighting hard against every item on our Common Agenda to End Gun Violence.5,6 

When the legislature reconvenes, we must be ready to combat GOA’s callous and radical agenda, pushing for common-sense laws and robust anti-violence programs. Donate to CeaseFirePA to help us create a movement too powerful to stop.

We’ve been standing up to these attacks for years, and the work is too important to stop now. Bringing together doctors, faith leaders, survivors dedicated legislators, and caring citizens throughout the Commonwealth, we are helping turn the tide toward a safer Pennsylvania. 

Thank you for helping us make all Pennsylvanians safe from gun violence. 


Adam Garber
Executive Director


1Group wants to protect gun owners’ rights.” The Daily Item, February 8, 2020. 

2New bid made to make county a 2nd Amendment sanctuary.” The Indiana Gazette, July 16, 2021

3 PENNSYLVANIA: GOA Testifies Against Red Flags & Other Gun Control.” YouTube video, October 2, 2019.

4Pass HB 1747 and Protect Firearms During State of Emergency.” GOA Pennsylvania web update, July 1, 2020.

5Common Agenda to End Gun Violence.”

6Breaking! Legislature adjourns leaving pro-gun bills hanging” GOA Pennsylvania web update, June 28, 2021


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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