Now is the moment for the Senate to take action. Help us build political will!
Hey John - This is important:
We have a chance to get a price on carbon introduced into the Senate budget reconciliation deal this summer, and we need YOUR help to make sure there's enough political will in Congress. It only requires 51 votes for passage, so CCL is rolling out a massive campaign to call Senators ([link removed]) and voice support for a price on carbon. Here's a short video from Senator Whitehouse talking to CCL volunteers about it:
[link removed]
** Sen. Whitehouse's Message for CCL Volunteers
So what can you do today, to help pass climate legislation? Several things! Take one action or take them all.
(1) If you got on the DC chapter's email list but happen to be a registered voter in another state, call your senators. Contact info and sample scripts here:
(2) Invite your friends and family to be part of the climate solution.[link removed]
We even created a script for you ([link removed]) . Watch CCL Volunteer Nick call his mom ([link removed]) in real time ---> (and celebrate with him when she says yes!) Help us hit our goal ([link removed]) ! Last I heard, over 12,000 unique callers have already used the page to contact their Senators. You can also post on your social media ([link removed]) for this campaign. (And keep an eye on our chapter calendar ... we may do another "friends and family" effort this weekend.)
(3) Join CCL-DC as we call CCL supporters in neighboring states (MD/DE/NJ). We need to make sure our friends are contacting their senators to speak up for a price on carbon. Here is a CCL link ([link removed]) you can share with others, and below are the Zoom links for the events themselves.
* Maryland - Tuesday 8/3 at 6:00 ([link removed]) (password 123)
* New Jersey - Thursday 8/5 at 5:30 ([link removed]) (password 123)
* Maryland - Tuesday 8/10 at 6:00 ([link removed]) (password 123)
At last Thursday's phone banking, 14 volunteers called 211 CCL'rs in 70 minutes, and got 43 people who agreed to call their Senators! That's an amazing success rate!
(4) CCL National is also getting in the game with phone banking this week. Share this link ([link removed]) with other volunteers and friends to invite them to join us, and RSVP for the events below. Training for the auto-dialer is provided at the beginning, and the more people show up, the more people we are able to reach.
* Tuesday 5-7pm ET (calling people in Eastern Time Zone) ([link removed])
* Tuesday 7-9pm ET (calling people in Mountain Time Zone ) ([link removed])
* Wednesday 6-8pm ET (calling people in Central Time Zone) ([link removed])
* Thursday 5-7pm ET (calling people in Eastern Time Zone) ([link removed])
* Thursday 8-10pm ET (calling people in Pacific Time Zone) ([link removed])
I joined the phone banking on Monday night with CCLrs from around the country, and I seriously had 7 warm conversations with people who agreed to contact their Senators. This has been the easiest phone banking of my life. Preliminary stats suggest we made more than 2000 dials in the 90 minutes we were calling.
Let's pass some climate legislation! Will you join us and do your part to demonstrate political will?
YES! ([link removed])
For more information:
* Budget Reconciliation Actions ([link removed]) - We could have a price on carbon this fall. Now is the time to go big, but we need your help.
* 10k constituent messages ask for a carbon price in budget bill ([link removed])
* It’s crunch time for climate policy ([link removed])
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