Let's talk about the stakes ahead of us.
The stakes: In our last email, we showed you the evidence that Ground Game Texas can unlock massive turnout in Texas. Finally, we want to talk about the stakes ahead of us. If we keep doing what we've been doing in Texas, we'll keep losing ground. And Governor Abbott and his allies will make it harder and harder for us to vote, continuing a vicious cycle. We need to go on offense: Launch issue campaigns in dozens of cities. Knock one million doors in our first year. Mobilize people to VOTE in 2022 and beyond using workers, wages, and weed. Where do you come in? GGTX is grassroots powered. We're counting on folks like you chipping in $5, $10, $20 so we can grow and reach communities all across Texas. Together, we can follow in Georgia's and Arizona's footsteps. Together, we can build a progressive Texas from the ground up.