First, I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for your assistance in helping us reach our July fundraising goal. Your support is what powers our campaign, and I’m grateful to be in the fight for progress alongside you.

We cannot give up in the battle for the heart and soul of our democracy. While we defeated Donald Trump, we have not ended Trumpism. He has raised over $100 million for his political committee since leaving the White House and, as Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell have demonstrated, the Republican Party is still the party of Trump.

Just this weekend, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, speaking before a fundraising crowd about taking back the House said: "I want you to watch Nancy Pelosi hand me that gavel. It will be hard not to hit her with it.”

Even before everything we have been through these last few years, statements like this about the Speaker — or any other member — are not funny and don’t belong in a GOP fundraiser or anywhere else. But under the circumstances, the Minority Leader’s choice of words are even more concerning today. After all, it's been less than 6 months since the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol where members of a far-right mob expressed their INTENT to assassinate Speaker Pelosi. And the Speaker continues to face open hostility from members of Congress like Marjorie Taylor Greene who insist on their right to carry firearms on the Capitol grounds.

It is unconscionable — but this is the Republican party today. And with your help we must make sure they do not regain control of our legislative bodies or our national agenda.

Thank you for being a partner in the hard work of protecting and improving this great American experiment of ours.




Chris is leading efforts in the Senate to strengthen our democracy, get secret money out of our elections, and advance social justice and racial equity. Grassroots supporters like you help our campaign make the investments it will take to re-elect Chris in 2022 and protect our Democratic Senate majority.