From PPI Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject Price controls for broadband won't work
Date August 2, 2021 7:14 PM
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PLUS: New reports on dental insurance, high-speed internet connectivity, and events you won't want to miss!

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Price controls for broadband won't work
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Every good party brings a skunk who wants to upset it. And in this case, leftist ideologues that are finding an audience within the administration are pushing for price controls on mobile and broadband connection fees that would very likely sabotage the bipartisan infrastructure deal.
→ Price controls for broadband won't work ([link removed])
by Lindsay Mark Lewis, for The Hill
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** ☑New from the Experts


** > Can Democrats Save Our Democracy?
PPI President Will Marshall argues in American Purpose that the Republican capitulation to mass delusion and extremism has left America with a one-party system. It's up to Democrats to make our democracy work again - but will they take the challenge?
→ American Purpose ([link removed])

> Time for a Deep Clean
PPI's Arielle Kane is out with a new report on why the United States should begin regulating dental insurance plans the same as health plans, in order to protect both employers and consumers.
→ PPI ([link removed])

** > The U.S. High-Speed Race
A new report released today finds that the telecom and broadband industry is providing increased coverage and speeds while absorbing a smaller share of consumer and business expenditures. Meanwhile, Americans enjoy better access to high-speed internet than our European counterparts. Read Dr. Michael Mandel and Elliott Long's latest report.
→ PPI ([link removed])

** > Pass on the SALT
PPI's Brendan McDermott argues in The Hill that weakening the SALT cap would be a bad use of space in the upcoming reconciliation bill. This benefit would largely go to the wealthiest of Americans.
→ The Hill ([link removed])
📅Up Next at PPI:
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Reinventing America’s Schools hosts
“We Got Next… The Future of School Choice”

** Wednesday, August 4th at 1:00PM ET

Join us for a webinar with the leaders who will shape the next chapter in the fight for educational equity in America. In a follow-up to our celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the passage of the first charter school law in America, we look forward 30 years.

What will America’s public school system look like in 2050? What should we be fighting for? Who should be at the table driving change?

Tune in to learn from experts who are taking steps to shape the future of Black & Brown students in America.

The webinar is co-sponsored by Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project and The 74.

Panelists will include:
* Alisha Thomas Morgan, Former State Representative, Georgia
* Dr. Charles Cole, Founder, Energy Convertors
* Naomi Shelton, CEO, National Charter Collaborative
* Jada Bolar, Executive Producer, National Parents Union
* Patrick Jones, Senior Vice President, The Mind Trust

RSVP TODAY! ([link removed])


Global Tech, Global Democracy: How Has Tech Broken Down International Boundaries?
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** Watch the Webinar Today! ([link removed])

Technology is breaking down international boundaries in ways expected and unexpected. How can we develop international solutions to ensure that we benefit from technology’s promise while avoiding its dangers? Topics covered included civic integrity, combatting online misinformation, freedom of speech and the role tech has played in elections.

This event featured special guests:
Rep. Joe Courtney, and the Hon Ed Husic, MP.

Congressman Courtney represents Connecticut’s 2nd Congressional District, and is Co-Chair of the Friends of Australia Caucus. He serves on the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services and the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce. The Hon Ed Husic, MP is a member of the Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Industry and Innovation, and a Member of Australian House of Representatives.
WATCH NOW! ([link removed])
📰 Hot Off the Press

** > PPI on the Radio
PPI's Paul Bledsoe joined NPR's Marketplace to talk about the bipartisan infrastructure package in the Senate and the importance of clean energy and electric vehicle funding.
→ Marketplace ([link removed])

** > The Deal is a Big Deal
Senate negotiators struck a deal on a massive infrastructure package that will be transformative and create jobs across the country. Roll Call includes PPI President Will Marshall's statement on this historic deal.
→[link removed] Call ([link removed])

** > Supporting Local Jobs and Innovation
Local Chambers of Commerce are concerned about the House Judiciary Committee's new package of antitrust legislation, and the harmful impact it could have on job growth and innovation in the tech and e-commerce sectors. They cite PPI's recent writings on the bills.
→ River Journal ([link removed])

** > Hot Climate News
E&E news digs into what the new infrastructure deal means for energy policy in the U.S., and interviews PPI's climate expert Paul Bledsoe. He talks about the "huge, long term dividends" this bill will provide.
→ E&E News ([link removed])

Moderate Democrats and Republicans are coming together to tackle the threat of climate change, and the infrastructure deal is the first indicator of how serious Congress is about shifting to green energy and technologies. Paul Bledsoe gives the Washington Examiner an overview of what's to come this fall.
→ Washington Examiner ([link removed])
📊 Don't Miss These PPI Reports
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In this report, PPI's Dr. Michael Mandel and Elliot Long provide a Radically Pragmatic Agenda to connecting rural America to high-speed internet and broadband. The COVID-19 pandemic showed the strength of broadband networks in the US, but also unscored that all Americans need - and deserve - better access to the economic, educational, health care, and civic opportunities that have moved increasingly online.

READ HERE ([link removed])
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PPI's Director of Health Policy, Arielle Kane, dives deep into the oral health crisis in America. Millions of Americans suffer from poor oral health, which can limit a person's employment opportunities, increase the risk of other disease, and lead to unnecessary emergency department visits. If you live in a rural area, you're less likely to have dental insurance and access to a dentist - but that can change with the right federal and state policies.

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