Friend --

Tomorrow is the Primary Election! Be sure to get out and vote for our Detroit for All Slate - Denzel McCampbell for City Clerk, and yes on Prop P - so we can carry the momentum we've built all year into November and win real material change and power for the working class here in Detroit.

Detroit DSA members Abraham Aiyash, Landis Spencer, Denzel McCampbell, and Rashida Tlaib hit the doors last week to talk to voters about our Detroit for All Slate


Rashida Implores Comrades to Run for Office

Last night, our first night of the DSA National Convention ended with a bang when our beloved Congresswoman and People's Champ, Rashida Tlaib, spoke about the importance of electing socialists at all levels of government. We know both of our major parties are beholden to rich donors and have no interest in standing up for the working class, so it's on us to fight for a seat at the table to deliver the change we need for a better future! You can check out the full video here if you want to get goosebumps. 


Detroit DSA is a 1200+ member funded organization. We receive no money from outside sources so we can say things like "Defund the Police" and "Abolish ICE" without losing funding, and we will always act democratically in the interests of our members and the working class! If you're able to, we ask that you make monthly contributions as they more directly benefit our chapter. Thank you for whatever amount you're able to contribute!

If you think your dues are out of date, renew your dues here: and use the email address currently associated with your DSA membership.

If you're unsure whether your dues are up to date, reach out to [email protected] to check!


In solidarity,

🌹 Detroit DSA

Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America · United States
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