From Team Tomlinson <[email protected]>
Subject Help us respond to this latest attack
Date October 16, 2019 9:13 PM
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David Perdue, Mitch McConnell, and their dark money groups just keep on attacking Teresa. They know she is the Democrat who has what it takes to win this election and help flip the Senate majority — and they’re afraid of the shift they are seeing across Georgia.

The conservative Georgia Action Fund just launched another attack to single out Teresa and our campaign. We need as many supporters as possible to chip in now so we can respond.

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When Senate Republicans launched a national ad campaign attacking Democratic candidates in August, Teresa was the one they attacked in Georgia.

These dark money groups will throw any label against a wall to see what sticks because against Teresa’s progressive track record, all they have are empty words and failed policies protecting Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority.

Perdue’s allies are seeing leaders like Ambassador Andrew Young, U.S. Senator Max Cleland, Governor Roy Barnes, and Henry Aaron, as well as mayors, state legislators, and community activists standing with us as Teresa leads the field in endorsements across the state.

They know Teresa’s plan for universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, abortion rights, and gun safety are winning issues in this election, and they’re preparing for a historic Democratic voter turnout not just to defeat Donald Trump, but to end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority for good.

Rush a contribution today and help Teresa respond to these latest attacks from dark money Republican groups.

Together, we’re going to win Georgia and flip the Senate. [[link removed]]

Thank you for standing with us.

—Team Tomlinson
PMB 263, 3201 Macon Rd Ste 139, Columbus, GA 31906DONATE [[link removed]]
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