Weekly transmission from Adbusters Media Foundation
The Moment of Truth for the Anti Corporate Movement
Hey all you wistful hearts out there,
Each morning I wake up and find myself in a lull.
Am I pathetic? Am I not informed?
Corporations dominate more now than they ever have at any time in human history.
But I feel nothing.
They govern the water, the air, the food, the skies, the radio waves, the energy, the governments, the commercial spaces, the internet, the education system, the mental environment . . .
Not a single thing is beyond their reach anymore.
How did it come to this?
And why don’t I care?
It’s time to snap out of it . . . and get back some of that boldness we lost when, in the last century or so, we stopped slapping down misbehaving corporations.
Can you hear that? It’s a sane sustainable version of the future calling: #KillACorp before it’s too late!
Submission: Peak Stupidity
In 1975 engineering was a slow, sedate business.
The computer profoundly changed the typical design office. With computer-aided design techniques, it was now possible to screw things up 40 times faster than you could with a pencil.
What used to take months of persistence and attention to detail could now be botched almost instantaneously.
Read more . . .
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