Election Day is just 2 days away and outside groups have poured more than $2 MILLION into this race to try to stop us.

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2 days until Election Day

We’re going to win this race by making sure we get out the vote! Chip in to help make sure Nina has the resources to get it done >>>


Hello Somebody!

My grandmother used to say all you need in life are the three bones:

The wishbone to keep you dreaming, the jawbone to help you speak truth to power, and the backbone to keep you standing through it all.

I’m running for Congress because the people of OH-11 deserve a leader who will stand up fearlessly on their behalf.

Together, we will fight for and deliver Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, good jobs that pay a living wage, and bold justice reform.

But that word — together — is key. Because I cannot do this alone. The only way this is going to work is if we have a people-powered movement fighting for change every single day.

Can you make a contribution to our campaign today? There are just a few days left to get out the vote, and I know that if we stand together we are going to win this race on Tuesday and build a government that works for ALL of us, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

When I get to Congress, Ohio’s 11th District is going to have someone not only willing to speak truth to power, but work to ensure that policies provide much needed relief for our community.

The truth is, winning this race and starting the work of transforming our country is not going to be easy.

We’re going to need that backbone to stand up to those who are spending and doing anything they can to try to stop us and the entire progressive movement. But if we’re in this together, they won’t have a chance.

So please, make a contribution to our people-powered campaign. Election Day is just 2 days away and outside groups have poured more than $2 MILLION into this race to try to stop us, so your donation today is how we’re going to fight back and win. Here’s the link to chip in:


We’re building a grassroots movement of conscious-minded people who’ve got the courage to ask for more from those in power. Thank you for being a part of it.

With these hands,

Nina 💜



Paid for by Nina Turner for Us

Nina Turner for Us
PO Box 91956
Cleveland, OH 44101
United States

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