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Dear Fellow Patriot,

My RINO opponent, enlisted by the Donor Class and the GOP Special Interests to try to spoil my grassroots, America First run for U.S. Senate, is already lying.

In fact, he's telling one of the worst lies anyone can tell.

He stole valor, and claimed that he joined the U.S. Army as early as 2015. He actually joined in 2017.

His campaign said it was a "mistake."

But I don't believe those RINO scumbags for a second. They will lie about anything to make sure they retain power

Help me stop their obvious power play in its tracks by contributing to my election campaign today

I'm the only Trump-supporting, America First candidate in this race, and my opponents are both funded by the GOP Establishment, which is why I'm in urgent need of your individual, grassroots, contributions right away.

If my opponent would lie about the year he joined the Army, just imagine what else he's lying about. 

He's already lying about being a Trump supporter, when he's part of the same corrupt group of anti-Trump Swamp Creatures as every other GOP Establishment candidate. 

Worse, imagine what he'll lie about if he gets elected to the U.S. Senate, where there are never any consequences for liars, snakes, and backstabbers. 

Contribute to my America First campaign right away and show the RINOs that we're finished with their lies.

While my primary opponent was still playing a child's game, I was taking a stand for America, and putting America First. 

I was organizing gun rights activists to fight against the Communist Democrat mob under the Obama administration. 

I was running on behalf OF the America First movement against Arkansas' RINO governor Asa Hutchinson

I have a proven track record of putting America First, and being a vicious fighter for our cause.

There's too much at stake to take a chance on some political newbie recruited by D.C. elites to play the role of Senator -- especially a proven liar who will roll over to the radical left immediately. 

That's why I need your contributions to my grassroots, America First campaign today.

A generous gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford today will go a long way towards helping me expose these backstabbing GOP traitors for the RINOs they are.

Anything you can give will help me purchase radio and TV ads, along with campaign materials to get the word out about me -- the only America First candidate in the race.

Thank you in advance for helping me expose my primary opponent for the liar that he is. 

For America,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. The RINO Establishment put a stolen valor liar into our race, to try to stop me from winning. 

But America First is unstoppable

Let the lying RINOs know that we're finished with them by contributing to my grassroots, America First campaign today


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