Will you stand with me?

Tim Alexander For Congress


Thank you for your dedicated support of our people-powered movement. Because of grassroots fighters like you, our campaign clinched our end-of-month goal right before midnight!

We truly couldn’t have done this without you.

Now, I want to turn your attention to something else — we’re entering August, which means we’re three months away from Election Day here in New Jersey.

And although I won’t be on the ballot until next year, it’s important that we show our support for local Democratic candidates fighting their hearts out to win.

Every vote matters in New Jersey, and so today, I want you to stand with me and take this pledge to vote in November >>>


We can’t let leaders like Jeff Van Drew, Donald Trump, and their far-right Republican allies influence New Jersey politics this year, John. Your pledge to vote means you're dedicated to not only kicking Trumpism out of New Jersey but also electing leaders who will always put people over party.

So what do you say, John? Can I count on you to join me in pledging to vote this November?


Let's do this!

Tim Alexander

Donate Now


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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