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Editor's Note:

Sometimes a seemingly innocuous situation can demonstrate to the world where many corporations' true values lie, especially when they kowtow to Communist China's big stick. The Houston Rockets' general manager's seven word tweet supporting Hong Kong turned into an international incident, illustrating how Chinese leaders will not tolerate the slightest offense, real or perceived. Since billions of dollars were involved, the NBA hurried to smooth the Communists' ruffled feathers. As Kyle Sammin with The Federalist explains, it's a worrisome trend among way too many U.S. corporations and politicians. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
October 16, 2019
Trade With China Has Turned Into Giving Away Our Values For Their Money

China and U.S. FlagTrade with China has been a factor in American capitalism since the birth of the republic, but only in the 21st century has it become a truly massive driver of American corporate wealth. But a funny thing happened on the way to the bank: The American influencer became the influenced. Trade is a two-way street that is meant to be mutually beneficial, but American trade with China has turned into a trade of our values for their money.

Corporations that we used to think of as American wear that allegiance very lightly these days, if at all. Their executives are happy to keep their headquarters here and live here. They love that our Constitution gives them and their owners secure property rights and that our taxation regime is not as onerous as some places and is fairly predictable. They love that our First Amendment gives them the right to advocate whatever cause is popular this week among their class of bien pensant elites.

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