TRIPLE MATCH DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT! People For Member, Like you, I am dedicated to the fight for an America that respects the rights and dignity of all … that upholds the fundamental values of equality, justice, liberty, opportunity, and democracy. And, like you, that’s why I try to stay active in the major fights to advance those values and defend our constitutional rights. It’s why I support People For the American Way and why I’m so thrilled to be one of its newest board members. Another reason I’m so excited about People For is its founder: Norman Lear. Norman just turned 99, which means he’s entering his 100th year of life, and he is still going strong in the fight to defend democracy, free speech and expression, equality for all, religious liberty, and justice for all – the American Way. I hope you’re as inspired by Norman as I am. And I hope that you’ll join me in celebrating his work and the work of People For the American Way, the organization he founded 40 years ago, by keeping the organization strong with your ongoing support. To mark the occasion of Norman’s 100th year, all donations to People For will be 3X-MATCHED until the end of the month. Norman’s contributions to our country and to our progressive movement are beyond measure. Among those contributions, one that will have one of the longest legacies is the work of People For the American Way. When People For’s president Ben Jealous – a friend and civil rights leader who truly understands movement building and knows what it will take to save democracy and advance progress and equality – asked me to join the board, it didn’t take much convincing. I’ve admired and supported the work of People For for years, and have admired Norman Lear for just as long if not longer. I can think of no better way to honor Norman on his birthday than by standing with People For at this critical moment for our country. If you care about the federal courts – including the Supreme Court – and what they mean to our fundamental rights, to each of our lives, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness… then you need to support the work of People For and the fight for fair-minded judges. We need to undo the harm to our judicial branch brought by four years of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell ramming through a record number of far-right extremist judges. If you care about voting rights … about getting big money out of politics … about preserving free and fair elections as the foundation of American democracy for ours and future generations, then you need to stand with People For’s fight to defend democracy. If you care about stopping racist hate and about equal rights and dignity for all people regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin, then you need to back People For’s work to expose and counter far-right bigotry and extremism. All of this is Norman’s legacy, as much as his iconic shows and what he has meant as a cultural leader. And it’s a legacy that we get to carry on with our participation in and support for the amazing organization that Norman founded. Please join me now and make a 3X-MATCHED donation right now in honor of Norman Lear’s 100th year>> Thank you so much for keeping up the fight and for everything you do. With gratitude, Alyssa Milano