Will you stop the sham, John?
Can I rely on you to stand with Leader McCarthy, Jim Jordan, every Conservative across America, and myself as we stop another partisan sham investigation?
Can we count on you to stand with us against this latest power-grab from Nancy Pelosi?
Will you help us make sure Select Committee nominations don’t become the next slippery slope into socialism? I hope so. You’ve never let me down before.
Because conservatives in Congress have come to rely on support from you and millions of other principled conservatives like you across America, John. And with the important July end-of-month deadline quickly approaching, now is the time to show your support for conservatives who push back against Pelosi’s corruption.
Chip in-->> to Stop the Sham.
Thank you, John for all you do.
Jim Banks
P.S. Even if you can’t contribute as much as you would like to at this moment, please be sure to CHIP IN->> whatever you can. Every dollar makes a difference for our end-of-month deadline. Thank you, John for helping to Stop the Sham. -Jim
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