Browser View | 7/31/21

Common Dreams

Your Week in Review

by Jake Johnson
Rep. Cori Bush, who was formerly unhoused, slammed her Democratic colleagues who "chose to go on vacation early today rather than staying to vote to keep people in their homes."

by Jake Johnson
"This case is now bigger even than Donald Trump's crimes. Neither the courts, nor the machinery of our government, exist to bodyguard a corrupt private citizen from transparency."

by Andrea Germanos
"Together we can choose one-planet prosperity over one-planet misery."

by Kenny Stancil
There is "a significant number of lives that can be saved if you pursue climate policies that are more aggressive than the business-as-usual scenario."

by Kenny Stancil
"The current consolidated food system is nothing more than the result of policy choices that prioritized a large, concentrated industry."

by Jessica Corbett
"It would be unconscionable for the Senate to break for recess without addressing the ongoing assaults on our democratic systems happening across the nation."

by Kenny Stancil
"His crime was telling this truth: 90% of those killed by U.S. drones are bystanders, not the intended targets," said Edward Snowden. "He should have been given a medal."

by Jake Johnson
"The time to fight like hell for democracy is right now. We may not get another chance."

by Jake Johnson
"Every one of those deaths is a mark of shame for the governments of countries like the U.K. and Germany who have protected patents over human lives."

by Jake Johnson
"The United States has now become one of those countries where environmental advocates are attacked, put in jail, or even murdered for doing their jobs successfully."

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