John, I’ll say it until my voice goes hoarse: It’s time to cut workers in on the deal.

Let me tell you exactly what I mean by that.

It means understanding workers are doing everything right and still finding themselves unable to get ahead.

It means acknowledging workers are the lifeblood of our economy -- and then building that economy around them.

It means good wages, secure retirement, affordable health care, and breathing room for everyone.

I’ve worked with businesses my entire career. It’s not workers versus businesses -- it’s a partnership. But when a CEO is making nearly 400x what their workers are making, something is broken.

I’ll always say it loud and proud (and yell if I have to): Workers first.

If you think it’s about time we put workers first in the Senate, I need you to split a donation between my grassroots campaign and Seth Moulton's and help flip Ohio’s open seat blue. We have just a few hours to hit our biggest fundraising deadline so far -- we have to get this done.


-- Tim Ryan