TRIPLE MATCH DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT! Dear People For Member, This week, I began my 100th year on this planet. Through all those years, I have loved our America with all my heart. Like you, I have always understood that the way we honor the country we love is by recognizing its flaws, working to address them, and fighting like hell against those who seek to undermine our uniquely American values. That, in a nutshell, is the mission of People For the American Way – this multiracial, multigenerational community of which you’re a very important part. I am reaching out to you today because we are facing a rising wave of extremism that threatens our democracy by attacking voting rights, dividing us with lies and hateful rhetoric, and even sanctioning violence. And People For members like you must continue to play an important role as defenders of our precious democracy. So, I’m asking that you join me in recommitting to this mission with a 3X-matched donation to power the work of People For the American Way, which I hope you’ll agree is more important than ever. Please give as generously as you can and have your donation tripled before the end of the month>> Four decades ago, I gathered together Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, Father Theodore Hesburgh and a host of civic, business and religious leaders in launching People For. We knew we needed to stand against the forces of division, hate and intolerance that were gaining a foothold in the political and cultural life of our nation. We felt that because America is defined by its unique values, then true patriotism must be defined by the desire to see our nation live up to those values and the willingness to fight to make that happen. This is what we mean when we talk about the American Way. Right now, the fight for the American Way means pushing back against a relentless wave of racially motivated voter suppression measures being advanced in states all across the nation, and continuing our efforts to increase Black turnout in elections. It means pressing to save our democracy from the Far Right’s voter suppression onslaught with critical legislation including the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and legislation to grant statehood to the District of Columbia. It means exposing the strategies and tactics of extremists behind the January 6 insurrection and the far-right bigots who want to divide us based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and national origin. At this crucial moment for democracy, Ben Jealous, our exceptional president who joined us in 2020 and his team are fighting hard on all of these fronts and working to recruit and engage more people in the vitally important work of our organization. But it’s up to us – current members of People For the American Way – to lead the way. From its founding, America’s been an imperfect country. But generations of changemakers have fought to expand equality, make our democracy more accessible, and make the promise of liberty and justice real for ALL people in our country. I’m proud that People For the American Way carries on that fight. And I’m thrilled that you’re a part of it. Thank you so much for all you do and for what I trust will be your generous and thoughtful response to this call for support. Sincerely, Norman Lear