From MIDTERMS WARNING (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject worrying headline
Date July 31, 2021 2:03 PM
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Did you see this worrying headline, John?

“GOP eyes Latinos in South Texas in effort to regain Congress”
-- Associated Press

We must redouble our efforts to register Latinx voters in Texas and beyond. Please support our efforts with an URGENT donation.
>>> [link removed]

Look at what’s being reported:

“Republican leaders believe the party is on the precipice of a political realignment among Hispanic voters.”
-- Associated Press

➞ If they’re right, we could lose our Democratic majorities in Congress in 2022. We need to step on the gas now. Voto Latino is no stranger to Texas. In 2020, we registered a grand total of 263,581 Texans -- a full 15% of all new voters in the state. If there’s anyone who take the GOP on, it’s us. Pitch in now to register and mobilize Latinx voters!
>>> [link removed]

“But with [Democrats] having just a six-seat majority in the House, Democrats in Texas say the party has to take the threat seriously.”
-- Associated Press

➞ It’s true: We can’t let Republicans catch us sleeping. We need to take this threat seriously and put in the hard work -- today -- to register our communities to vote. Can you make a donation?
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Thank you,
Voto Latino

DONATE >>> [link removed]


Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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