In rare moments and on fairly niche issues, progressive groups have called out Biden publicly, and it’s worked

Your Prospect Weekend Reads
Week of 7/29/2021

Stories from the week you dont want to miss!

Caroline Brehman/AP Photo
The Sunrise Movement’s June 28 protest was a rare moment of dissent from progressive groups.

How Joe Biden Defanged the Left: Staff Writer Alexander Sammon explores how the White House has used access to quiet would-be progressive critics.

Here Comes the Rain Again: In this July/August issue feature, Contributor Mara Kardas-Nelson zooms in on Lake Charles, Louisiana. Will this city become American’s latest climate sacrifice?
Canary in the Mine: Striking Miners in Alabama: Luis Feliz Leon explains how the five-month strike is about worker power in America and fighting for a just transition for carbon-intensive industries.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like the Sacklers?: Contributor Maureen Tkacik explores Purdue Pharma as the most recent case study in what has become an epidemic of judges granting legal immunity to the rich and powerful in bankruptcy court.

America's Lack of Paid Time Off Hurting Vaccine Rollout: As vaccines lag nationwide, employers and local governments are offering paid time off to boost jabs. However, as Contributor Amelia Pollard reports, some workers are still slipping through the cracks.

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