Dear friend,

It is always a joy to share good news with friends. Especially when that good news is the result of your hard work. Just this week, Google announced that it will no longer carry sugar dating apps (or apps that promote compensated sexual acts) starting on September 1, 2021.

That's right! You challenged Googleone of the biggest tech corporations in the worldand Google listened.

Take a moment to reflect on that and celebrate. I know we are. We never get tired of seeing the progress that the consistent and persistent advocacy of passionate advocates like you can generate. Thank you for helping make this happen!

NCOSE Honors Kendall Alaimo – Activist, Artist, Educator, and Survivor – on UN World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

Kendall Alaimo has been involved in activism for years, working to prevent sex crimes against children, and training others in trauma, complex PTSD, resiliency, and more. In 2021, she was appointed a Member of the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC) which assists the work of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in combating trafficking in persons. 

Recently, she has noticed more than ever the need for educational opportunities for survivors of trafficking, something that is often out of reach for those living through experiences that leave them without proper funding or resources. She shares her own testimony of such experiences with being unable to accept university offers with the UN.

It was these experiences and learning from other survivors across the world facing the same barriers that led Kendall to found the groundbreaking University Alliance on Human Trafficking in celebration of the UN’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons this year. 

How Canopy's Innovative Technology Deters Sexting and Helps Law Enforcement Identify CSAM

Canopy is proof that technology can help make the online world safer and fun for everyone, including young children and teens who need the Internet now more than ever. It is also proof that technology can and should be used to directly combat sexual exploitation online.

It's Not Too Late to Get Your 2021 CESE Summit All-Access Lifetime Pass!

That's right. You can still get unlimited access to all of the material from the powerful 2021 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit! Whether you missed some of the presentations during the event or you were out on vacation, an All-Access Lifetime Pass means you don't have to miss a thing. 

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