Meet Joe.

Meet Joe. Joe’s been eligible to vote in Texas for 10 years – but he’s never voted once. It’s not that Joe doesn’t want to see things change. But every election cycle, he gets TONS of ads from both parties, making the same vague promises. Then nothing changes. So why bother? One day, Joe gets a knock on his door. It’s a Ground Game Texas volunteer with some exciting news: In a few months, everyone in Joe’s city will get the chance to vote for marijuana decriminalization. It takes a few more knocks on Joe’s door. A few more conversations. But in November, Joe shows up to the polls for the first time ever to vote YES on decriminalizing weed – and progressive candidates up and down the ballot. Across Texas, there are hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of voters like Joe. All tuned out from the political process because Why bother? 
But we know for a fact that if people have the chance to vote directly on popular issues – AND we show up in-person to make our case – they will make their voices heard. 'Workers, wages, and weed' on local ballots + in-person conversations = Progressive turnout. It’s a simple recipe to permanently transform Texas. And Ground Game Texas is the only organization bringing it life.