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After suffering through the coronavirus pandemic for the past year and a half, you’d think that lawmakers would want to do everything in their power to prevent us from being devastated by a pandemic ever again. Unfortunately, that’s not the case — Congress is reportedly considering cutting down the amount of funding for pandemic preparedness in the American Jobs Plan from $30 billion to a measly $5 billion. In light of the fact that we’ve suffered a $16 trillion loss to our economy because of coronavirus — not to mention close to 600,000 deaths — this proposed cut is unacceptable.
New polling from us and Guarding Against Pandemics, a group calling on Congress to fully fund pandemic preparedness, shows that the American people agree.

We find that by a +50-point-margin, a majority of voters support investing the full $30 billion into pandemic preparedness. We also find that voters see investing in pandemic preparedness as a prudent financial investment: by a +19-point-margin, voters believe that fully funding pandemic preparedness now is a small price to pay to avert economic disaster and the loss of lives when the next pandemic arrives.

As GAP founder Gabe Bankman-Fried wrote on the DFP blog about these findings, “we need to make this important investment now to prevent further losses of life, to strengthen our public health infrastructure, and to protect families and our economy for years to come. Congress must fully fund pandemic preparedness in the next infrastructure package to ensure that we are as prepared as possible if and when the next pandemic arises.”
You can read our memo on the polling we did with Guarding Against Pandemics here, and Gabe Bankman-Fried’s blog here.