With your help, we can pass our July fundraising goal!
Friend of Israel,
This week, the House appropriated $3.3 billion in vital security assistance to Israel.
This annual assistance helps keep the Jewish state strong and advances our national interests; it is the most tangible manifestation of America’s support for Israel.
As the Jewish state confronts growing threats, this support helps ensure Israel has the resources it needs to defend itself, by itself.
Lobbying for full U.S. security assistance to Israel is at the core of our work each year.
This year’s lobbying effort was especially complex, but together we conducted thousands of virtual lobbying meetings, sent a record number of emails to congressional offices and engaged in an ongoing debate to ensure America always stands with its democratic ally Israel. The vote this week was a byproduct of our ongoing work together.
While some are trying to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state, the overwhelming majority of Congress is sending a clear bipartisan message: America stands with Israel.
In addition to full security assistance funding, the legislation includes many other pro-Israel provisions that we've lobbied for together:
$50 million for the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act to build partnerships between Israelis and Palestinians.
$2 million to promote U.S.-Israel international development cooperation to address growing challenges in the developing world related to water scarcity, agriculture and energy storage.
$6 million for the Middle East Regional Cooperation program – a 20 percent increase in funding – to facilitate collaborative research between Israeli and Arab scientists.
Strong language condemning anti-Israel bias across the U.N. and its agencies and requiring new reports to identify and eliminate antisemitic content in Palestinian textbooks.
Important restrictions and reporting requirements on aid to the Palestinians including reaffirming the Taylor Force Act – a law which prohibits funds from directly benefiting the Palestinian Authority until they eliminate the heinous practice of paying terrorists and their families.
This bill now goes to the Senate for its consideration. I will keep you posted as the appropriations process continues.
I encourage you to watch this video and share this achievement on your social media.
Below my signature are more key stories from this week.
Brian Shankman
Palestinians Call on Hamas to Stop Storing Weapons in Civilian Areas
Last week, an explosion in Gaza killed one person and injured 14 others.
It was reported that the explosion took place in a warehouse Hamas uses to store weapons.
Hamas is holding Gaza’s Palestinians hostage, using them as human shields and hurting the prospects for peace.
Following the explosion, Palestinians and human rights organizations have called on the terrorist organization to stop storing its weapons in civilian areas.
The big picture: By hiding its missiles in and under apartment buildings, schools and hospitals, Hamas is deliberately risking the lives of innocent Palestinians.
America must stand firmlywith our ally Israel against Palestinian terrorism.
This week, dozens of Iranians marched down the streets of Tehran amid ongoing protests over water shortages throughout the country.
Iran is facing its worst drought in 50 years, impacting households, agriculture and livestock.
At least four people have been killed during protests, and human rights organizations say the death toll is higher.
The way forward: The United States must continue to guard against Iranian efforts to silence its critics, condemn Iran's human rights abuses and stand with the Iranian people opposed to the brutal theocratic regime.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's senior aides will fly to Washington next week for meetings with their American counterparts.
Israel's National Security Council Chairman Eyal Hulata and Bennett’s Diplomatic Adviser Shimrit Meir will meet with White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.
These meetings precede Bennett's scheduled visit to meet with President Biden at the White House.
The trip will be the first in-person meeting between aides to the two countries’ leaders.
The big picture: America's partnership with Israel helps keep both countries stronger, safer and better prepared to address shared threats.
On her 50th birthday, Idit Harel Segal, a kindergarten teacher from northern Israel, chose to donate her kidney to a 3-year-old Palestinian boy from Gaza.
In a letter to the boy, Segal wrote: “You don’t know me, but soon we’ll be very close because my kidney will be in your body. I hope with all my heart that this surgery will succeed and you will live a long and healthy and meaningful life.”
The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.
AIPAC 251 H St. NW • Washington D.C. • TEL 202-639-5200