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Newsletter: July 30, 2021

In This Newsletter:

Unvaccinated Roll Back U.S. Successes
Run for Office: Candidate Orientation
Redistricting Hearings
Clovis Democratic Club Ice Cream Social
Clean Shared Mobility Network Community Meetings
Voter’s Choice Act Advisory Committee
Letters to the Editor Project Seeks Participants
District 1 Employment Opportunities
Democratic Party Website and HQ



Join the Virtual Phonebank to STOP THE REPUBLICAN RECALL, hosted by the Fresno County Democratic Party and the Historic Fresno County Democratic Women's Club. We will be calling voters to encourage them to vote NO on the Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom.

Tuesdays 12-2pm AND Thursdays, from 6-8pm. 

Scripts, Training and Support will be available on Zoom, while we make calls from the comfort and safety of our homes. 

Please RSVP to this Mobilize Event, so we can anticipate the number of attendees for this event. And share this with like-minded friends!  For more information or to RSVP, visit

Once you RSVP, you will receive email confirmation with your Zoom link to join the phonebank sessions.


Unvaccinated Roll Back U.S. Successes

Getting the vaccine should not be a matter of personal opinion. If it is possible to do something to protect those around you, the only moral answer is to do it. But because some people have been slow to get their shots, the absolute necessity of masking is coming back when our country should be enjoying an escape from our year-long nightmare. And this is still the heart of summer, when such viruses find it hardest to spread. If we do not crush the virus now, imagine the legion of sickness and long term debilitation that will set in when winter comes again.

For anyone who knows people who have not gotten their vaccine because they “are just not sure yet” or because they contracted the virus and recovered, those are not valid excuses. With a billion doses administered across the world, these vaccines have gotten a volume of case study that few other drugs can dream of. They are safe. And the mutations evolving within the unvaccinated population have drastically cut down on any protection someone might have from having lucked through a mild case of the live virus. 

There is no potential effect of receiving a vaccine that is worse than the effects of contracting COVID. We might end up needing to increase the number of doses each person receives to be protected, but after having seen the horrors COVID wracks on even those who survive, I would happily accept getting a free jab once a month if it meant safeguarding myself and those around me. 

Please, make everyone you know gets their vaccine. This pandemic is a problem we know how to solve if we just do the work.

Run for Office: Candidate Orientation

Are you interested in running for office, interested in helping someone else run for office, or do you want to know how campaigns work? If so, this training is for you.

Saturday, July 31, 10 a.m.–noon. Please register in advance:

Our guest speakers will explain making the decision on running for office, how to get on the ballot, what it takes to raise money, how to develop a message, how to communicate that message, and all the ways to run a successful campaign.

Jewel Hurtado, James Martinez, Nasreen Johnson and Noha Elbaz

Redistricting Hearings

California Citizens Redistricting Commission: Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2 p.m.–8 p.m. Attend via livestream at Communities of interest public input meeting for Zone F (Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Tulare counties). For more info or to submit public comment, e-mail [email protected].

Fresno County Board of Supervisors Redistricting Public Engagement Workshops: Tuesday, Aug. 3, 6 p.m., Gaston Middle School, 1100 E. Church Ave., and Wednesday, Aug. 4, 6 p.m., Fresno High School, 1839 N. Echo Ave. Learn about the redistricting process for the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, and provide public comment. For more info, call 559-600-3529. To provide public comment, e-mail [email protected].

Clovis Democratic Club Ice Cream Social

On August 7, the Clovis Democratic Club will host an Ice Cream Social as part of a Scholarship Fundraiser.

The club can finally get together again in-person, so join the festivities to create your own ice cream sundae, enjoy time with CDC friends and support the club scholarships.

Saturday, August 7, 2 p.m.

David Rowell’s Home @ 3282 Bullard Ave. (between Locan and DeWolf)

$10 for Adults

$5 for Children 12 and under

All donations and proceeds will support the Clovis Democratic Club scholarships.

RSVP to attend and/or help at [email protected]

BYO lawn chair


Clean Shared Mobility Network Community Meetings

Every third Tuesday, the network meets to discuss improving electric vehicle charging access and other transportation improvements and solutions needed to help cut our region’s contribution to damaging the atmosphere while making people’s lives easier.

All meetings are 5:30 p.m.– 7 p.m. Agendas will be provided prior to the meetings. Upcoming meeting dates: Aug. 17, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 21.

Meetings will be held virtually until we CDC-compliant in-person meetings can be held. 

For any question, e-mail [email protected]

The Clean Shared Mobility Network is supported by the California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities program with funds from California Climate Investments—cap-and-trade dollars at work.

Voter’s Choice Act Advisory Committee.

Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters James Kus invites all interested parties to attend the Fresno County Voter’s Choice Act Advisory Committee (VCAAC). The Fresno County Voter’s Choice Act Advisory Committee is an opportunity for interested members of the community to provide input on how the Voter’s Choice Act is implemented in the county. This year’s meetings will focus on a general amendment and update of the Fresno County Election Administration Plan requiring community feedback on a wide range of Voter’s Choice Act topics.

Meetings are currently planned for the third Wednesday of each month, but those dates might be adjusted after participant feedback from the first two meetings, the second of which is on Aug. 18.  Each meeting will be held twice, at 4 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. The 5:30 p.m. meeting will have online access. Each in-person meeting will be held at the Election Warehouse Training facility (4525 E. Hamilton Ave.). Additional community-based meetings will be held in the fall throughout the county.

Next meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 18, at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Fresno County Elections Training Facility, 4525 E. Hamilton Ave

Online/Phone Access for the 5:30 p.m. meeting:

For more info: 559-494-4226

Phone Conference ID: 433 214 531#


Letters to the Editor Project Seeks Participants

The Writers Alliance is organizing across the Central Valley around the principle that we can make change through effective communication. The goal is to recruit politically active members throughout the Central Valley, and especially in Fresno County, who will engage through “letters to the editor” in local newspapers and online media. The group will consist of writers, researchers, editors, responders and a social media cadre.

The Alliance project was started in Placer and El Dorado counties but is swiftly growing. in Fresno County. David Rowell ([email protected]) is the county coordinator and the point of contact for people wishing to join in the endeavor.

Training is available to help volunteers understand the best letter format, length, frequencies and other factors that newspapers look for when selecting which submissions to publish. Training will also be available to address stylistic and composition issues for those who want ot polish their writing skills.


Democratic Party Website and HQ

The Fresno County Democratic Party website is the best place to get regular updates on upcoming events in the area, as well as information on ways to get involved. There is also information on scheduled meetings from the many Democratic clubs in Fresno County.

The Democratic Party HQ (1033 U St.) is open 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday–Friday. Call 559-495-0606 or e-mail [email protected] for information or to volunteer.

Support your local Democratic Party by making a donation via ActBlue or by mailing a check to Fresno County Democratic Party, P.O. Box 5795, Fresno, CA 93755.


Our newsletter is prepared by Francis Horan.


Democratic Party Headquarters: 1033 U Street, Fresno, CA 93721

[email protected]

Copyright © 2021 Fresno County Democratic Central Committee, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 5795, Fresno CA, 93755
Paid for by the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee. FEC ID # C00518605, FPPC ID # 743910.
1033 U Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

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Fresno County Democratic Party · 1033 U Street · Fresno, CA 93721 · USA