The Gun Violence Archive shared some sobering facts: The U.S. averaged a shooting every 12 minutes during the week of July 17-23rd. That one week in July resulted in more than 430 Americans killed and over 1,000 wounded.

THIS is a national emergency. And it requires a national response.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the agency designed for a national response. The ATF is the main federal agency that enforces federal gun laws to reduce firearm trafficking and violence.  It hasn't had a confirmed director in six years. Biden recognized the leadership void and has nominated David Chipman as director. Chipman is the right choice and has the experience necessary to meet the challenges of the ATF:  

► Chipman has a substantial history in law enforcement

► Chipman knows what is required of the ATF and its agents

► Chipman has 30+ years of experience in public safety

Unfortunately, Chipman's confirmation will not proceed unless our Senators hear from us.

Please call your Senators at the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to #ConfirmChipman for ATF Director.

Sample Script:

" Hello, my name is ________. I live in your state. I am calling to tell my Senator that I care about gun violence. We are in the midst of one of the most violent times in recent years, with gun deaths and injuries as much as 50% higher in some places. The ATF has not had a confirmed director in six years. Please act now to confirm David Chipman as director of the ATF, he is an experienced leader who understands what it takes to reduce gun violence."

States United to Prevent Gun Violence
 [email protected]

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