We should not sugarcoat it. From the resurgent virus to climate-driven wildfires and extreme weather; from the gun violence crisis to the ongoing challenges in our economic recovery, health care, education, racial justice, and civil liberties - this is an unsettling time.

And the question we all have to ask ourselves is: Who do we want in charge in the face of all these challenges?

Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy, and their right-wing allies are confident that they can win back the House in 2022 and block the progress we are making.

We must not let them win.

Right now, there are 220 Democrats in the House. 218 makes a majority. I am asking you to donate $3 right now — before the weekend — toward our July grassroots goal.

We need every single person to do what you can to stand up to this critical challenge.

Can I count on you? Donate right now and let's build our grassroots team.


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