At last night's debate watch party we all knew Bernie won outright. Even CNN and Politico have been forced to acknowledge it! With recent news that Reps AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar will all be endorsing future President Bernie Sanders; you might be wondering: How can I get in on this? Well, it's easy! Show up to one of our upcoming Bernie events and let's get to work! We'll be talking to people about Bernie and why he's the only candidate fighting for working people! 

Crowd Canvass for Bernie and a Green New Deal!
October 21 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us at South Seattle College at 9AM as we crowd canvass and continue to build momentum for our local Seattle DSA for Bernie Campaign! We’ll be meeting in the south parking lot. We have a brief training to start and talking to people about Bernie is easy and fun, so newcomers are welcome!

How to Talk About Bernie Sanders Event Panel
October 26 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

We’ve all been there…but now’s the time to shake off the nerves and get into the field! A panel of DSA for Bernie organizers will lead a brief discussion about techniques, talking points, and tactics to empower attendants to speak confidently and capably – whether at work, with friends, or as DSA for Bernie organizers. Then, we’ll form groups to practice what we’ve learned (and learn some more) in a low-stress environment.

Can't make either of these? We tweet at @sdsa4bernie and you can find all of our events on our website. Find out more at Seattle for Bernie and join us!
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