I’m sure it doesn’t surprise you that, as our global population soared to 7.8 billion people, a climate catastrophe worsened. At Population Connection, we’re amplifying the connections between climate change and human population growth, thanks to supporters like you.
You know that one crucial factor in solving climate change is stabilizing global population. And you know the most effective solution—empowering women and girls by expanding access to family planning options and education.
That’s why I hope you’ll respond to your fellow Population Connection member's Climate Matching Gift Challenge today! Please help us inform more Americans about the inextricable links between global population growth and our climate crisis. A generous fellow supporter hopes to inspire YOU with a one-to-one match up to $100,000 to invest in our campaign to combat climate change by empowering women and girls.
Your gift of $25.00 today will be DOUBLED by their generosity!
You can help broadcast the links between population growth and climate change, expand access to family planning options for people everywhere, and educate more people across the United States about the dangerous threats of soaring population growth.
Global population is growing by 80 million people a year. As carbon emissions escalate, climate change accelerates, biodiversity decreases, food and fresh water become scarcer … and life becomes harder for all of us, but especially for the 689 million people subsisting on a mere $1.90 or less a day.
The good news? The most effective climate solution out there is stopping global population growth.
Best of all, this solution requires no radical new technologies, no curtailing of rights or freedoms—it only requires ensuring that every single woman of reproductive age wishing to prevent pregnancy right now is able to gain access to reproductive health care and modern contraceptives. THIS is something we can accomplish together!
So please, consider a gift of $25.00 today. When you make your gift by August 15th, it will be matched, dollar for dollar, by our Climate Matching Gift sponsor, up to $100,000.
Thank you for all that you do,

John Seager
President and CEO