11 ways you can speak out against anti-Semitism
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Dear John,

Over the past year, we have seen hate enter our most sacred spaces in Pittsburgh, Poway, and most recently, Halle, Germany.

October 27, 2019 will mark one year since the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in U.S. history. The attack in Pittsburgh took the lives of 11 Jews as they prayed, and shattered our sense of security. Acts like this have no place in our society.

This is the time to speak out and be counted as a voice against the extremists who target us for our faith, and who seek to destroy our communities.

Through ADL’s 11 Actions for 11 Lives, you can honor those lost and take action now against hate in your own community and beyond.

Stand up now by visiting 11 Actions for 11 Lives!

Woman holding sign that says Stronger Than Hate

Even you have just a few minutes today, you can sign a petition or send a message of solidarity to the Pittsburgh community. You can be a force for good by volunteering in your community or by hosting a Shabbat gathering and using ADL’s Table Talk conversation starter to reflect on the events of the past year, including the deadly anti-Semitic attacks in Pittsburgh, in Poway, in Halle and in houses of worship of other faiths.

As we remember the victims of this act of hate, it is time to speak boldly against extremists who target the Jewish community and all forms of hate.

Go to 11 Actions for 11 Lives today and take action.

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Another way to stand up and be counted in the fight against extremism is by being part of the largest gathering about fighting anti-Semitism. Never Is Now, ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate convenes on November 21 at the Javits Center in New York. With breakout sessions about confronting extremism, anti-Semitism on campus, hate online, the BDS movement and other compelling issues, and inspiring speakers from around the world, this is a vital event to help you speak out against hate. Click here to find out more or register.