Over 100 state legislators are rushing to DC

Two weeks ago, Democratic state legislators in Texas blocked Republicans from passing a racist voter suppression law by leaving Texas and going to DC to press senators to save our democracy. Their heroic action made huge national news and changed the dynamic in the Senate.

Now, over 100 state legislators from across the country are heading to DC to join with the Texas Dems for a big show of force and solidarity. They'll call on the U.S. Senate to reform the filibuster and pass the For The People Act -- and to delay the senators' August recess until they get it done.

John, most state legislators are regular people with families and regular day-jobs. But if we can get them to DC next week, they can have an enormous impact.

Can you chip in to help state legislators who can't afford the trip get to DC to pressure Congress to pass the For The People Act?

This year, Republicans have introduced almost 400 anti-voting bills throughout the states, at least 30 which have already been passed into law.

Time is running out. The For The People Act must be signed into law before the end of summer so states will have time to undo anti-voter laws and prevent gerrymandered, partisan maps from disenfranchising voters -- especially voters of color -- in the 2022 midterm elections.

Pro-democracy state legislators have been on the forefront of protecting our right to vote. Next week, they can have a HUGE impact by coming together to tell Congress in person that it is time to protect our freedom to vote by passing the For the People Act.

Click here if you can chip in to help get state legislators to DC who can't afford to make this trip on their own.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. All planned activities for the state legislators will abide by the latest federal and local COVID guidelines and make every effort to protect the health and safety of all those participating.



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