
Our end-of-month goal is coming up tomorrow at midnight and we are still $10,000 behind!

While the Radical Left goes all out to cling to power, at Team Van Duyne we are doing all we can to unseat the extremists in Congress and bring America the conservative representation we deserve!

The past six months have seen some of the most Radical policies in our nation’s history. Socialists are trying to legislate away our freedoms, Biden wants to spend our economy down the drain. . . and now they are even talking about new shutdowns that would be disastrous for our country!
We rely on your support to keep us in the fight, which is why it's so important we hit our end-of-month deadline. We want to report strong numbers and send a message to the Radical Left, that we will not stand by as they attack our American values!

Our grassroots army can step up and make a difference right now - Can we count on you to pitch in and join the effort?

For Texas and America, 
Van Duyne Finance Team