Texas Bureaucrats Cannot Reclassify Private Properties as Public Beach

Private property rights are one of America’s core founding principles. As John Adams astutely noted, “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.”

But as Niko Malhotra and Carol Park note, bureaucrats often challenge these rights, even in states—like Texas—that pride themselves for upholding such principles.

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As pandemic subsides, why are governors still exercising “emergency powers”?

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its 17th month, we should reflect on what the past 15 months of a public health emergency have taught us.

As a longtime advocate for individual liberty and limited government, Steven D. Anderson shares the principal lesson he takes from our pandemic experience: The separation of governmental powers must be restored to its position of primacy.

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The Hill: COVID-19 eviction bans expose deeper hostility toward property ownership

What would you think if the government dictated that you won’t be paid for more than a year but you must keep working? As unlikely as that might be for you, this hypothetical is reality for landlords, as 14 states and many large cities still clinging to eviction bans as an emergency pandemic measure.

Ethan Blevins explains that this is no longer just about the pandemic—it’s about redistributing property from landlords to tenants, a long-coveted goal that some governments appear to be pursuing under cover of pandemic relief.

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