From PEAK Grantmaking <[email protected]>
Subject PEAK Weekly
Date July 30, 2021 3:14 PM
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Equitable data collection. New #PEAKis25 event! Trending on CONNECT. Weekly reads.

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** Collecting Data With an Eye Toward Equity
Jara Dean-Coffey and Rella Kaplowitz explore how funders can navigate the tension between grantee and funder needs in demographic data collection and the challenges foundations have in equalizing the power dynamics.

It turns out that the issue isn’t just what funders ask, but the entire philosophy underpinning the data collection process.
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** #PEAKis25

** Announcing a Special 25th Anniversary Event

On September 14, PEAK's Satonya Fair will facilitate a conversation with three philanthropic powerhouses: Kresge Foundation President and CEO Rip Rapson, Ford Foundation President Darren Walker, and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations President and CEO Marcus Walton. Together, they will envision what the next 25 years can be and discuss how grants professionals can lead the way as change agents for operationalizing equity.

This event is open and complimentary to all.
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** Staffing Update

Melissa Sines, Programs and Knowledge Director, is no longer at PEAK Grantmaking. During her three years with the organization, Melissa contributed to many milestones, including the official launch of our Principles for Peak Grantmaking, the re-launch of the Journal, and the successful transition of our conference to a virtual format. We wish Melissa the very best in her future endeavors!

On August 3, join a new working group, formed from a CONNECT thread ([link removed]) , on oral and alternate grant report options. This community of practice will share mechanics, lessons learned, and plans for engaging in this work together.
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Join this week’s trending conversations:
* Impact assessment tool working group ([link removed])
* Oral grant reporting ([link removed])
* Grantee report reminder language ([link removed])

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice:
* Reviewer manual/check-list ([link removed])
* Salesforce amendment tracking ([link removed])
* Examples of great program web pages ([link removed])

Not yet in CONNECT?
JOIN US ([link removed])

** Upcoming Events
August 2
PEAK/EPIP Community Conversation: A Leader Salon on Career Journeys in Philanthropy ([link removed])

August 3
Oral and Alternate Reporting Working Group ([link removed])

August 9
PEAK Accountability & Action for Allies Affinity Group Meeting ([link removed])

August 11
Summer Coffee Hour (PEAK Southeast) ([link removed])

August 12
Unlock Your Jedi Skills to Constructively Deal with Drama (PEAK Mideast) ([link removed])

August 19
Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest) ([link removed])

August 19
PEAK/EPIP Career Series | Reimagine Leadership: Racial Equity as a Leadership Competency ([link removed])

August 19
Latinx Caucus Cafecito Hour ([link removed])

ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])

** Weekly Reads

"In the early stages of change, preparing staff members to engage productively in conversations about racism and developing policies and practices that uproot racial inequity is important work. But without a culture of accountability, any effort to prevent racial harm or provide proper redress when it occurs will fall short of accomplishing repairing harm and deepen distrust and disconnection among staff." [more] ([link removed])
Piper Anderson, Create Forward, for Stanford Social Innovation Review

"Based on currently reported grant data collected by Candid … of the $11.9 billion in philanthropic capital publicly pledged in support of racial equity in 2020, only $1.5 billion can be tracked to recipients to date." [more] ([link removed])
Moving from Intention to Impact: Funding Racial Equity to Win, Candid

"When funders provide money that can be spent only on specific projects, nonprofits may struggle to cover these overhead costs. Their staff can end up working too many hours for not enough pay, without the equipment and other essential expenses they need to get their jobs done right. This “starvation” can make organizations less effective—reducing how much good every donated dollar does." [more] ([link removed])
Genevieve Shaker and Pamala Wiepking, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, for The Conversation

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