Good Afternoon,

This is Zac with Diana’s campaign. I’m just briefly following up regarding my coworker Caroline’s recent email to you about helping Diana hit her July End Of Month goal. If you haven’t already done so, please read the email below and consider donating to the campaign so that Diana can continue to serve us well in Congress!
Thank you,

--------Forwarded message----------

From: Caroline at Team Harshbarger
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 1:00 PM
Subject: A make or break moment
Hi there, John!

This is Caroline with Diana Harshbarger’s campaign for Congress! I wanted to reach out to you about a make or break moment for Team Harshbarger —

Besides being the month to celebrate our country's Independence, July is also a critical month for Diana in terms of meeting her End Of Month Fundraising Goal! Will YOU help her get there today with a donation of any amount?
Diana needs to raise $7,000 additional dollars before the month runs out if she wants to keep on pace with her fundraising goals. Campaigns are important and she asked me to follow up with you to see if you’d be willing to chip in and help her meet that goal today.
I certainly realize that right now may not be a great time for you to give, but if you could spare $25, $15, or even $5 right now, you’d be helping Diana out A LOT!

So please, if you will, click one of these buttons and give Diana a small donation so that she can keep fighting for our conservative values and country’s future on Capitol Hill.
Thank you so much for taking the time to hear me out. You are such an integral part of our campaign, and we are so grateful to have you on Team Harshbarger!

Warmest Regards,

Caroline at Team Harshbarger