| SUMMER 2021 ISSUE OF OAC'S MAGAZINE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! The summer 2021 issue of OAC's Weight Matters Magazine is now available online for digital download. This issue features tips for eating healthy without boundaries, managing weight while taking antidepressants, taking a "staycation" with health in mind, and much more! LEARN MORE |  | BUILDING RESILIENCY AND RECHARGING OUR HEALTH AT YWM2021-VIRTUAL The OAC's 10th Annual Your Weight Matters Convention & EXPO took place last week as YWM2021-VIRTUAL and was a huge success! Here's a RECAP on what happened and the impact it made. If you missed it, you can still purchase the recorded sessions and handouts! LEARN MORE | |  |  | If asked about the first time they remember feeling bad about themselves because of their weight, many people will point to an early childhood memory. Weight bias can start as early as the playground or at a pediatrician's appointment, but it is never okay at any age. Advocate Faith-Anne Newsome shares her story with the OAC's Stop Weight Bias Campaign. READ MORE | | ENDURING ARGUMENTS ABOUT "MEDICALIZING" OBESITY It's been eight years since the American Medical Association resolved that obesity is a chronic, complex disease. For different reasons, some people seem to resist what they see as "medicalizing" obesity. OAC Board Member Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, wrote a blog post with insights on this topic that were inspired by OAC's #YWM2021VIRTUAL. READ MORE |  | | |  | ADVOCACY 101: ALL THE WAYS YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Do you want to advocate with OAC but you're not sure how? We have an online video training series that explores themes like how to tell your personal story, influence legislators, share education, tackle key issues in obesity and more! You can start, stop and move through the series at your own pace. WATCH NOW | | | MEDTRONIC RENEWS SUPPORT ON CHAIRMAN'S COUNCIL The OAC is pleased to share that Medtronic has renewed their support for OAC on our Chairman's Council at the Silver level! Medtronic is a global leader in medical technology working tirelessly to improve the lives of millions each year with innovative therapies and solutions. READ MORE | THANK YOU TO OUR YWM2021-VIRTUAL SPONSORS! YWM2021-VIRTUAL was a huge success last week! As we keep the momentum going, we want to give thanks once again to our National Sponsors who helped make the Convention possible. (Platinum): Novo Nordisk. (Silver) Nutrition Direct, Eli Lilly and Company, Boeringer Ingelhaim, and Medtronic. (Bronze): Wondr Health, Form Health, Curax, Bariatric & Metabolic Institute, Celebrate Vitamins, Geisinger, and Weight Watchers (WW). | | | Obesity Action Coalition 4511 N Himes Ave, Suite 250 Tampa, FL 33614 Unsubscribe | | |