It is so easy to feel like change is impossible these days.
When you look at the political debate today, it’s easy to feel that way – especially when the filibuster is standing in the way of so much that is so desperately needed while Democrats have control of the White House, Senate, and House.
We’ve lived through a global pandemic that hasn’t ended, so many people are still struggling — and Congress is struggling to pass a recovery bill that meets the scale of this crisis.
Last year, we had the biggest protest movement in history, a historic uprising against police violence — and yet, we’ve seen no real action from Congress to change it.
We’re staring down the threat of climate change as droughts, fires, heatwaves, and floods roll across the country — and our leaders aren’t responding in the urgent way this slow-moving crisis requires.
But I’d like to propose another view: change isn’t impossible, it’s inevitable.
When you zoom out and bring the scale from days to years, you can see a different picture. Change is constant. And every day at the Working Families Party, we’re working on setting the direction of that constant, inevitable change — from working to power progressive champions like India Walton to a historic primary victory in Buffalo, New York, to pushing Democrats to step up on climate in the next infrastructure package. If you can afford it at this time, will you chip in any amount to help us hit our end-of-month goal of 4,500 grassroots contributions and be a part of the movement we are building together?
Contribute $3
We can reverse climate change. We can reduce incarceration. We can increase unionization and decrease inequality. We can make sure health outcomes and well-being increase and racial inequalities disappear.
We can build a nation — and build a world — that works for the many.
This movement that we share is about ordinary people coming together to do extraordinary things. When we talk about the arc bending towards justice, it is we who must do the bending.
Every candidate like Nina Turner who is speaking truth to power and defying the odds to run a transformative campaign for Congress, every constituent that is demanding that Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema work with their colleagues to end the filibuster, every grassroots donation, and every act of courage and kindness — they are all the droplets from which waves of change are made.
Chip in any amount to the Working Families Party today to help us hit our end-of-month goal of 4,500 contributions so we have the resources to organize for the transformative change we know is possible — and inevitable.
When the work seems slow, keep trudging. When the mountain seems tall, keep climbing. When the gulfs between us seem far, reach across because we are all needed to stand together.
In solidarity,
Maurice Mitchell
National Director, Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).