Another great American institution co-opted and decimated and weaponized by the Democrat communist party.   “The Democrats have from the beginning of this pandemic, treated it as a matter of politics,” he said. “From the shutdowns we saw all over ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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‘CDC Has Destroyed Their Credibility’
Another great American institution co-opted and decimated and weaponized by the Democrat communist party.

Senator Ted Cruz blasted the CCP-Democrats, ““[T]he Democrats have from the beginning of this pandemic, treated it as a matter of ...

ONLY 10 Countries Announce They’ll Boycott Infamous Jew-Hating Durban IV Conference
The fact that only 10 countries have committed to boycotting this anti-Semitic hate fest is a disgrace. It is indicative of just how far the Left has come, in their attempts to delegitimize the Jewish people and the Jewish state. 2021 will be ...

BLOODY FASCISTS: Democrats Order Capitol Police To ARREST Staff and Visitors Not Wearing Masks After New House Democrat Mandate
The Nazis puled the same authoritarian restrictions. You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality and we've got the mother-lode of consequences about to come down on our heads.

Related: Come and get me': ...

Netflix Mandates Covid Vaccinations for All Actors and Key Personnel in U.S. Productions
The unvaxxed will be the new 'Jew.'

Netflix is mandating vaccines. The next black market will be fake passports, fake negative tests, samples like in the movie GATTACA. All actors and anyone else nearby will comply or you will be fired. The ...

SHOCKING: U.S.FALLS FAR SHORT Of Second-Quarter GDP Growth Projections
The American economy was literally shut down. We should be breaking all records and forecasts. But the Democrats have imposed economy and freedom killing restrictions on us all. Communist China, who dropped the COVID bio-weapon , is doing ...

Biden Poll Numbers Crash as The President Goes Radical Left
Henninger: Biden Poll Numbers Crash as The President Goes Hard Progressive

From the story: In the here and now, this is what the average American sees: unpoliced urban crime, a nonexistent southern border, rampant homelessness, the Delta ...

Lying Biden Mocked For Claiming That He ‘Used To Drive’ An 18-Wheeler Truck
He could say he was the first man to land on the moon and the enemedia would rewrite the history books.

So not funny.

Biden mocked for claiming he ‘used to drive’ an 18-wheeler truck

By Lee Brown, NY post, July 29, 2021 |

“I ...

WOKE, GO BROKE: Viewership of Olympics Continues to Crash
And NBC is in a panic as the numbers are far worse than expected. This story, unlike many others, notes many viewers are less interested due to the woke U.S. athletes.

Another great institution felled by the left.

NBC's Tokyo Olympics ...

“Biden’s” DOJ Considers SUING STATES Returning To Pre-Pandemic Voting Regulations To Insure Election Theft
President Biden's Justice Department warned states on Wednesday that they could face legal action in rolling back COVID-era voting procedures. The Democrats cannot win without cheating. And they will destroy the whole country to do it. ...

‘COMPLICIT’: Meet the 18 Republicans Who Sold Out on Radical Democrat ‘Infrastructure’ Plan Without Reading Bill
Absolutely pathetic. Conservative voters will not forget this outrageous act of betrayal, when it comes time to vote in the 2022 mid-term elections. Many establishment Republicans continue to alienate the Trump base. Therefore, they must be ...

Democrat “Science”: U.S. Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities Blame the “Unvaccinated”
Social media is awash with tweets and Facebook posts describing the protesters as selfish and irresponsible. The streams, the threads, the currents rolling on social media. The topics, of course, are wholly controlled by them and this new mad ...

Teachers Union Head Threatens Schools Unlikely To Open
The unions are the hammer for Democrat autocracy. They rob their members, ruin their industries and serve the radical elite who live like royalty on the backs of America's middle class.

Where are term limits for the corrupt like Weingarten, ...

Swastika in State Department
Finally, a logo that fits.

US shocked by swastika in State Dept; Blinken decries anti-Semitism and ‘other hatreds’  “As this painfully reminds us, anti-Semitism isn’t a relic of the past,” Blinken said in a message to all State ...

At CUFI Gathering, Christians and Jews Alike Vow To Fight Boycott Jews (BDS) ‘Economic Antisemitism’
Jewish Americans who care about their future need to align with Christians United with Israel (CUFI). Most of the Jewish organizations in the United States are incompetent. The few that are half-decent do not have the resources or the voting power ...

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