Bernie is the only candidate who has always stayed true to his ideals and who fights for what he believes in, regardless of what the obstacles are.

Friends -

There is an America that I've always dreamed about — an America that fully lives up to our values of liberty and justice for all. Bernie Sanders is fighting for that America, and building the movement to make it a reality.

He has shown what is possible when we all get involved and use our voices to create the positive change we want to see in our country.

That is why I am so proud to endorse Bernie Sanders for president — and today I am asking you to join me.

Add your name to mine to say you endorse Bernie's campaign for president. Show you are a part of the grassroots movement to create the America we deserve.

It has been incredible to work directly with Bernie on issues like full student debt cancellation, universal school meals, and stopping endless wars.

Bernie is the only candidate who has always stayed true to his ideals and who fights for what he believes in, regardless of what the obstacles are.

But the truth is that this campaign is not just about winning an election. It is about growing our movement that transcends gender, ethnicity, and religion in order to create the positive change our country needs.

That starts with us. Will you join me in endorsing Bernie's campaign today?

Add your name as a personal endorser of Bernie's presidential campaign. We can create positive change as long as we are in this together.

This is not just a fight for one election — it is a fight for the soul of our democracy.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar