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The Recall Election is a Threat to California’s Climate Progress

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 14. Governor Gavin Newsom is being wrongly targeted for a recall election this fall, and this is a critical time where we need your help to take action and protect our climate progress. With the climate crisis being the driving cause of extreme weather and climate impacts we’re seeing now, we need large-scale change that is integrated across issue areas, and the Governor’s continued leadership is essential to this work. To echo the words of our CEO Mary Creasman, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) stands behind Governor Newsom during this dangerous recall that will only distract from the urgent needs of Californians and waste valuable taxpayer dollars. 

POLLING: Climate action is popular among Californians across party lines

The 2020 general election provided our country a unique opportunity to act on climate. With President Biden in office and Democrats holding the majority in Congress, we are in a position to create lasting change for current and future generations. But how popular is climate action? In California, it’s pretty popular. In partnership with Change Research, we conducted a statewide poll to assess the attitudes of Californians on the climate crisis.

The Clean Commute for Kids Act: California Leaders Drive the Effort to Transform Our Nation’s School Buses

With back to school season around the corner, our nation’s children are top of mind. Adults are doing everything they can to prepare for this occasion, ranging from getting school supplies to preparing classrooms for the upcoming year. What many people don’t realize is that the nation’s school bus fleet poses a huge opportunity to act on climate AND reduce air pollution in our communities.

Did You Know? You Can Take Climate Action Into Your Own Hands With Outreach Circle!

The CLCV organizing team puts activism in your pocket with new weekly actions you can take right from your smartphone or computer to stop climate change in its tracks. We’ll show you how to talk to friends, family, elected officials, and candidates, keep you up to speed on local events, and give you actions to share with your networks. Sign up here to take your first action.

WTF: What the Filibuster?

Ever wondered what the filibuster is? How it impacts policymaking? Watch our video as we break down the filibuster, how it works, and more on our TikTok! 




California League of Conservation Voters
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100
Oakland, California 94612

We believe that transformational change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible.

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