Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Texas Transportation

I was on America’s Newsroom this morning with Bill Hemmer to discuss President Biden’s open border policy and how it’s increasing the flow of crime and COVID-19 cases into the United States. You can watch my interview here.

From day one, Biden has reversed the progress we made under President Trump to secure our southern border. Illegal immigration has steadily increased every month under the Biden Administration.

Drugs, human trafficking, and gangs aren’t the only things flooding across our border. Now the influx of COVID-19 cases is adding another layer of danger that our brave law enforcement must combat.

Advising vaccinated Americans and schoolchildren to wear masks, but then allowing more than 2 million illegal immigrants to cross into our country, unvetted and unvaccinated? In what world does that make sense? The lack of common sense in the White House has resulted in total insanity.

While the Left continues to ignore the crisis and the safety of Americans, Texas is pulling out all the stops. We will do everything we can to protect the people of Texas and secure our borders.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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