We can't win if Rubio's big-money Republican donors outspend us, and right now, he's got a lot more cash in the bank than me.

I'm sorry to reach out like this again, John, but my finance team just let me know I should send another urgent email to ask for a donation of $15 or more to my campaign and Seth Moulton's to help me make up my fundraising shortfall. Here's where things stand:

Even though CNN recently increased my chances of flipping Florida blue, Marco Rubio just raised a massive $4 million – every dollar of which he can use to attack me and destroy our momentum. And John, that is only the beginning: Experts are predicting this could be the most expensive U.S. Senate race ever.

I can't win if Rubio's big-money Republican donors outspend me, and right now, Rubio's got a lot more cash in the bank than me – cash that can make all the difference in a race that could be decided by as little as 0.12 percentage points. That's why I must hit this $250,000 fundraising goal. But with time running out, I'm still $12,000 short.

I know I've asked a lot lately – it's not my favorite, but it's necessary to defeat Marco Rubio and protect our Senate majority. And I need you to donate right now because I'm falling short of my goal, John.

This is vital: Please, can you split a donation between my campaign and Seth Moulton's right now – whatever you can spare before our fundraising deadline – so that we can defeat Marco Rubio? Every dollar you send my way will go directly toward stopping Rubio and protecting our Senate majority!


Thank you,

Congresswoman Val Demings