In just one minute, you can help advance a law that prevents violence and abuse against people who are pregnant Email not displaying correctly?
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Help protect pregnant people from abuse and domestic violence.

ACTION ALERT: Contact your elected officials in Congress and urge them to cosponsor and vote YES on the Protect Moms from Domestic Violence Act.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four women have experienced sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime. 

Currently, around 324,000 pregnant people experience intimate partner violence (IPV) each year with 1 in 6 people abused for the first time during their pregnancy. Abuse while pregnant can lead to homicide, suicide, and drug overdose, the leading causes of pregnancy-associated deaths. IPV during pregnancy has also been shown to contribute to maternal mortality.

Contact your senators and representative. 

The Protect Moms from Domestic Violence Act will promote improvements in research and make investments in innovative programs to prevent domestic violence, support survivors, and address structural barriers to health equity. Urge your senators and representative to cosponsor the Protect Moms from Domestic Violence Act TODAY.

Click here to learn how you can help advance other important bills that FUTURES is working on.
In solidarity,

Claire Kao
Policy Communications and Advocacy Coordinator
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