Dear John, Plastic Free July is almost over, but with your support we can continue to build on the great momentum to create a world free of plastic pollution! Your gift directly helps to support our work to stop the flood of plastic polluting our planet. We are advocating for a systems shift by promoting refillables & reusables, and calling on companies to reduce their single-use plastic footprint and take responsibility for their packaging. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to this month: - Pressuring Amazon to stop polluting our planet with single-use packaging
- Celebrating Latino conservation week with our friends and allies
- Joining our coalition partners and members, led by Oceana, in urging the Biden Administration to ban single-use plastics from America’s national parks
- Sharing the exciting news that Maine passed the first extended producer responsibility law for packaging, and Los Angeles City (California)
passed an ordinance allowing plastic utensils for food delivery only upon request
Your support is critical to continue this work. Will you donate now to help create a world free of plastic pollution? Every gift counts! We look forward to continuing our work to inform, connect, and engage people to stop plastic pollution.
Thank you for joining us this Plastic Free July as the momentum continues building this month and beyond towards a world free of plastic pollution!
With gratitude, 
Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition |