Dear allies,
Federal eviction and foreclosure moratoriums expire this Saturday. Over 18,000 eviction cases have been filed since October, and the end of the federal moratoriums will put even more tenants and homeowners in danger of losing their homes. Communities of color and low-income people who were disproportionately harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic are at the greatest risk, but our legislators still haven’t taken action to ensure an equitable housing recovery.
We are joining our partner organization, Homes for All Massachusetts, and urging Governor Baker, President Spilka, Speaker Mariano, and members of the Legislature to take action by passing the COVID-19 Housing Equity bill (H.1434/S.891). Despite the urgency, the legislature has delayed action on this bill. We ask that you help push this legislation forward by making a call or sending an email to your Rep and Senator and signing on to a letter of support (for organizations and officials).
Learn more at Homes for All Mass.
In solidarity
Lee Matsueda,
Executive Director
Community Labor United