
We’re coming up on our big July fundraising deadline, but we’re still $8,456 short of our goal. I’m sorry for being blunt, but this is absolutely not the time for Democrats to fall short of our goals: If we lose just one single Senate seat in 2022, control of the chamber is lost to Mitch McConnell – and with it, our ability to make any shred of progress in collaboration with President Biden.

The Republican Party is growing more extreme before our eyes. If Democrats lose a single seat and allow Republicans to regain power, I truly fear for the future of our democracy.

Just look at what Republicans have done in recent months: Extremist GOP state legislators have introduced more than 400 bills to suppress the right to vote, and many of those bills have become the law in states like Arizona, Florida, and Georgia. My Republican colleagues in Congress have even refused to fight for truth and democracy, actually opposing an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Democrats’ razor-thin control of the Senate is a crucial xxxxxx against GOP extremism, but I’ll be honest: We’re hanging on by a thread. We can’t afford to lose a single seat – but the powerful national Senate Republican campaign committee, with Mitch McConnell at the helm, has made my seat a target. They’ll do whatever it takes to defeat me and stop our progressive agenda in its tracks.

That’s why it is 100% crucial to hit this end-of-month fundraising goal so we have the resources it takes to win.

So please, Friend, I’m asking: Can I count on you to rush a contribution of $5 or more to fight back against GOP attacks and protect this Senate seat? Whatever you give will ensure we keep the Senate in Democratic control.

Thank you for your support,


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